DigiCat Publishing considers every written word to be a legacy of humankind. Always wear safety _______ when working with tools and performing experiments. Be sure to turn this off when not in use. no student can work in the laratory without an _____________ present. The very first page of our lab report, containing our name, our professors name, the course name, and the lab number/name. Some couples have it, some don't. 20 Clues:No ______ will be allowed. [HONORPLEDGE], First page of any UMass Lowell lab report. While in the Engineering Lab, you should follow ____ safety rules. The report was accessed by The Wall Street Journal, which wrote about it on Sunday, February 26. They can cause accidents, An exclamation mark in the lab safety symbol indicates the presence of something ____ in the lab, Always inform the teacher if your glassware has cracks and ____, Be careful of ____ hazards in the lab. Formerly called the Nation's Prevention Agency. used to measure liquids. In case of a fire, you must know where the ____________ is. Safety glasses protect eyes from __________ and debris. everyone's responsibility. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered ______. A test tube ______ is used to hold a test tube during heating. In case of an emergency what should you use to contact the main office? Use extreme _____ when using a gas burner. A fire _______ is best used if a person catches on fire. Each virus has ____ nucleic acid(s). _____ and action of people causes most accidents in the lab. 20 Clues:CODE FOR FIRE SATE OF BEING SAFE CODE FOR HAZARDOUS SPILL RESPONSIBLE FOR LAB SAFETY YOUR SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE USED TO ALERT PEOPLE OF A FIRE USE THIS TO PUT OUT SMALL FIRES USED TO CLEAN CONTAMINATED EYES WASH THESE BEFORE LEAVING THE LAB PROTECTS THE FACE FROM BODY FLUIDS PROTECTS THE EYES FROM BODY FLUIDS WEARING THIS WILL PROTECT YOUR CLOTHES 28 Clues:Useful tool to light a bunsen burner Dangerous element found in a thermometer It is dangerous to add water to pure ____ Tool in the science lab to transfer solids This is the wrong play to play games and fool around You can get hurt in the science lab if you walk ____ If your clothes catch fire, immediately go to the ____ 25 Clues:means start/go symbolizes warning. Work areas should be kept ___ and tidy at all times. No _________, supplies, or equipment are to ever be taken from the lab. have employees complete the puzzles and return to you for a chance to win whatever you may choose to give away.. or just leave a stack in the lunch area or where employees gather for breaks. ), The type of fire that involves flammable liquids, Equipment used to help protect you in the lab, Abbreviation used to classify safety symbols, Organisms that have shown to cause disease, Causing immediate and serious toxic effects, Sheets that identify important info on a chemical, Will release oxygen contributing to combustion. 20 Clues:report any ___ do not eat ___ never ___ alone keep aisles clear long ___ is a hazard wear laboratory ____ lab ___ have been provided observe good ______ practices always work in well-____ areas check the label on chemical ____ conduct yourself in a _____ manner dispose of all ____ waste properly be ____ for your work in the laboratory 24 Clues:Easily set on fire _____-aim-squeeze-sweep This is not a trash can. what do you consider all chemicals? The reading goes over lab safety rules and safety equipment for science classes. follow all written and verbal ________. _______ is the name of the team trained to handle chemical emergencies. In all emergencies, remember to call site _________. Org. You should not lean on this because it may accidentally start, You should not clown around, play practical jokes, or try to ______ others in the lab. last for 15 seconds. Click the Price link for digital collection pricing. Notify the teacher immediately if there is an _____. Be ______ and proceed with caution at all times in the lab. never runin the Technology Lab. Safety Crossword Puzzle Answers Recognizing the pretension ways to acquire this ebook Safety Crossword Puzzle Answers is additionally useful. Kit Located in every department for spills. Never -----objects in a lab. A safety hazard and kind of a drill. 21 Clues:Extension 6222 is? While dong a lab make sure you pay attention and Be.. a practice of safety in the lab or school, the place you start filing files in drawers, used to put out a fire in the lab or school, cords that are damaged or exposed in the lab, should never be blocked by clothing or jacket, You are not required to wear these during a lab. Balance scale 5. what must you get before you use any equipment. What should you do if you need help during a lab. Homonym of "patients"; lab pros practice it. .placed in the ceiling to extinguish fire. [CoverPage], First and most important part of working in a lab setting. Terms in this set (19) Gloves. If particles or chemicals get in your eyes, you should rinse them for at least ______ minutes. report all accidents and _______ to your teacher. An _____ station is used when chemicals get into the eyes. The third step of using a fire extinguisher. Shape of alert that tells you what protective gear you will need. Ensuring proper ________ in all areas can help miniize risks for eye strain. getting blasted with the gas of a fire extinguisher might give you the variable that stays consistent throughout a lab, what you look at when measuring, it climbs at the edges, a founded, detailed answer to a question generated at the end of a lab, this is toxic, it causes ill effects to our health. set of events, actions, or behaviors that can lead to a hazardous state. . Fire pull stations are located near building ____. [PEN], What do you use to measure voltage, resistance or current values. Chemical Purge button for chemical spill is located near _____. Solutions Crossword Puzzle Answers Read Pdf Free Acids, Bases, and Solutions I. can protect against skin absorption of chemicals, an automatic switch, which is an on-load device mostly used for circuits, Keep work areas clean, Use the proper tool for the job, Make sure chemicals are properly stored. [Direct] 26 Clues:911 physical hazard radiation hazard safety information Start/safety equipment proceeding with caution dangerous parts/equipment stop danger fire emergency a measurement of electricity rules that hold back a project hazard A visible unsafe situation Rules needed to complete a project safety safety regarding electricity. Never engage in _________ or practical jokes during a lab. AAP-March 1, 2023. Assemble appropriate PPE, wipe up excess fluid with paper towel, dispose of paper towel in red bin, spray surface with oxivir and wipe clean. If you have one, raise your hand. 20 Clues:What should you do with your long hair? 18 Clues:Follow all ____________ exactly. February 27, 2023 By restaurants on the water in st clair shores By restaurants on the water in st clair shores CVPH Lab's Biosafety Level is? A visible unsafe condition is a _____ hazard. Read all labels and equipment ___ carefully before using. be______ of people around you at all times. 20 Clues:,OBSERVE GOOD , FILL WASH BOTTLES WITH , YOU SHOULD NEVER WORK ? Worksheets are Safety wellness expo 2017 crosswor. , PULL WHAT BACK BEFORE LAB? Fire. You should never ________ any of the chemicals in the lab. Has straight edges all the way down. Happen when body can no longer control its temperature. Put out a fire with an ___________. Used to transfer solid substances from one place to another. Fuel,Heat and Oxygen elements are called for . Must be properly worn over your eyes during a lab with chemicals and/or fire. can cause serious long-term health effects, what you wear when working with corrosive materials, causes serious immediate effects when ingested or when contact is made. Where do you move live materials during an evacuation? 25 Clues:the second P in PPE Do not lean on these. Throw. a type of PPE that keeps hands and arms safe, Your area should be ___ at the end of each day, Use if a coworker catches on fire(2words), Use for smaller chemical spills (2 words), used to mix liquids, it has a tapered mouth, holds small amounts of materials to observe. [ENERGIZED], ___ Current is supplied as one value. Safety Crossword puzzle 2023-01-11 Across Step 3 of Working safety. What should you do if you need help during a lab What should you do when you put food in the oven? Can be used to smother a small fire. Never try to ______ ______ a large spill or any hazardous chemical spill yourself. Conduct yourself in a _________ manner at all times in the lab. How many biosafety enclosures are in the Lab? long ______ should be pulled back in a ponytail or clip when working in all labs especially near an open flame. can eat through skin, metal, and clothing, what you use when there's a chemical fire. MissMastine. Extinguisher You use this when the room is on fire or when there is a big fire, You call this when you play in the science lab, when you are not supposed to. Never______ anything without your teacher's permission. Use this form to report an event that has occured. Always _________ carefully to the teacher's directions. Instrument to view cells and bacteria at high magnification, Laboratory safety is governed by this agency, Lab professionals who examine slides and detect normal and diseased human cells, Liquid that Histology stores most of their specimens in, What doctors say when they want something right away, What blood bankers do to determine ABO & Rh, A petri dish that contains a growth medium, A federal agency located near Atlanta who's main goal is to protect public health and safety. , CARRY KNIFES AND SHARP OBJECTS WITH TIP, YOU SHOULD WHAT WITH WASTE BEFORE LEAVING LAB, USED WHEN HANDLING VOLATILE CHEMICALS (4,4), do not touch when you enter the lab until instructed otherwise, fill washed bottles with ___ water and only use as attended, if you have ____ medical conditions check with you physician prior to lab, specimens keep hands away from eyes mouth and body while using chemicals and, never directly smell chemicals do this instead, experiments must be personally ___ at all times, Listen to all of what while with teacher is talking before the lab, How many accidents do we hope to happen during a lab, What should you make sure all your equipment is before you put chemicals in them, Item used to put out fires beside a fire extinguisher, DO not touch hot or unsafe chemicals with your, What should you do before you begin a dangerous process in a lab, Do not do this in the labs like running hitting or screaming, What should you do if you get something in your eye, Report these to the teacher as soon as you can, You carefully dispose of this at the end of the lab, Should not be worn in your eyes at the lab, You can wear this for better protection. Hot glass looks the same as ___________. The fire _________ is located in a red emergency box. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered ______. Method of Fire Extinguisher operation. Be a _____ player in your lab group. In all emergencies, remember to call site _________. Everybody do your _____ to clean up the lab. In the event of a spill with chemical exposure, go directly to the ______ ______. wastes what should be disposed by the teacher's orders? 18 Clues:The topic at hand. Keep aisles and exits clear, and move all belongings out of the way of lab work. Wear safety goggles when working with chemicals or heating substances. FBI says COVID-19 likely caused by China lab incident. BLANKET IF THERE A FIRE USE A ---------------------OR EXTINGUISHER. Notify the __________ immediately if there is an accident. a visible unsafe condition. Shaped so that shaping is easier, marked with a triangle. If you are injured notify the teacher immediately. read all the ________ thoroughly before entering the lab or getting starteed with the lab. Each has a row of suckers that catches prey and also helps them attach to surfaces. ORG CONCERNED WITH LAB SAFETY NYT Crossword Clue Answer SPCA ads This clue was last seen on NYTimes January 29 2021 Puzzle. All Incident and accident should be Is Must for Non routine activity. This is a common piece of laboratory glassware and is a Muppet. IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW TO USE THE ---------------ASK YOUR TEACHER. Never clown around, play practical jokes, or try _____ to other students working in the Technology Lab. Your ______ should always be pulled back, away from your face. Three types of fires (ordinary combustible, flammable liquids, and electrical) can use ______________. Wearing gloves, face/eye shield, and lab coat is? You'll want it to answer a crossword. At Macquarie University in Sydney, scientific officers Prasanth Subramani and Ray Duell, whose duties include teaching and research support and lab maintenance and safety, first began developing virtual tours of new labs in the university's biological sciences department for . Beaker _______ are used to move and hold hot beakers. [Title], Writing utensil used in the Laboratory Notebook. [OHMS] Voltage is measured in ___. Using tongs, forcepts or broom/dustpan and disposing in green glass container or red sharps container would all be proper ways of disposing broken ____. Follow all __________ given by the teacher. Safety _________ should be worn to protect your eyes. 15 Clues:A danger The way you behave. Keeping tools, machines and the work environment in the best possible condition. Scientists work with all sorts of dangerous chemicalsnot to mention flames, sharp objects, and heavy-duty machines. What would you search on the mayo intranet to locate a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for a chemical you work with in the lab. What should you be sure to do with your recipe? Splash goggles 3. Use this safety equipment if you get chemicals on your body to rinse them off. Fuel, Heat and Oxygen elements are called, Safety Goggles, Lab coat , Safety Shoe to entry inside the Lab, .placed in the ceiling to extinguish fire, A group of people who prepare for and respond to any emergency scenario, Happen when body can no longer control its temperature, Safety Harness is required when working at this height or more than. Featuring key facts and delightful puns, The Ultimate Element Crossword PuzzleChemTopic Lab Activity is great for reviewing and reinforcing knowledge about the first 103 elements of the Periodic Table. always use the ______ tool for the job. Shoes must completely ______ your foot. [ASK], What every circuit needs to be energized. Something carried out in a lab. Keep your work area ____. Follow _________ from teacher Never leave project ____________ ________ Directions from teacher ______ all warning signs or tags. Doc Preview. 4 Special Equipment Report all chemical spills to your ________. Step 6 of Working safety. 17 Clues:You use this to pick up hot glassware Where should left over chemicals go after the lab These should be worn to protect your eyes in labs Wash This is used when you get chemicals in your eye You should ask if your unsure about something in a lab While dong a lab make sure you pay attention and Be.. 10 Clues:should never be shared with anyone part of chairs referred to as wheels act or practice of being cautious in lab a practice of safety in the lab or school the place you start filing files in drawers used to put out a fire in the lab or school cords that are damaged or exposed in the lab should never be blocked by clothing or jacket 19 Clues:_ to directions Key to a good lab What is the first priority? Worksheets are Safety wellness expo 2017 crossword puzzle, Lesson 3 a moving crust, Chemistry elements crossword puzzle answers full, Section 2, Periodic table crossword puzzle answers, Laboratory manual, Asi mv work handouts, Lab equipment work chemistry answers. who do you tell if a piece of equipment is not working? Researchers who prefer a high-quality video production can seek professional help for their virtual lab tours. CERT Stands for Chemical ________ Response Team. [Date], ____ are important to turning in assignemnts on time. for lab safety? This symbol appears when care should be taken around open _____________. kills people more than fire. The creator of the analytical engine. Teachers Note Activity 2: Safety crossword puzzle 4. crossword puzzles 5. What the "P" in "APHL" represents. When the lights go out, you should listen to the _______. a dangerous situation that cannot be seen is a _____ hazard. While carrying the materials, keep your..straight. KEEP HANDS AWAY FROM EYES AND MOUTH WHEN WHAT ARE BEING USED? This crossword clue Puzzle that a lab rat might solve was discovered last seen in the April 19 2021 at the Crosswords With Friends Crossword. A safety hazard and a kind of drill. When reading a graduated cylinder, be sure to read the bottom level of the water, called the _____. The combined percentage of accidents caused by the positions/actions of people, and the improper use of tools/equipment. Never enter the lab area / ________ areas unless a teacher is present. Container poses threat. Conduct yourself in a ___ manner at all times in lab. _________ Area should be kept clean and neat at all times. If you find a power tool with a damaged power cord you should report the condition to the _____ immediately, so the tool can be repaired. What apparatus is used by fire fighters in an oxygen-deficient quarter? Phlebotomists and anyone who comes in contact with a patient need to wash their ________ before and after patient contact. Never reach _____ a flame Don't wear _____ in the lab. The safety color that indicates stop, danger, & fire. Dispose of all ___ waste properly. keeping tools,machines and equipment in good shape. 15 Clues:A possible danger from shock or even burn. answer choices Clean up spilled chemical Call 9-11 Take them to eye wash and tell the teacher immediately Make the person sit down to calm their nerves Question 3 30 seconds Q. If a _______ splashes in your eye or skin, immediately flush with running water. The second step of using a fire extinguisher. Control in charge of any needlestick, fall or hazardous in the department. The fourth step of using a fire extinguisher. Use these when mixing chemicals. what do you handle glassware with? area Wipe this down before leaving the laboratory. existing dangerous hazard that is hidden from obvious view. Use a tool or piece of equipment only for its ______ purpose. Feb 15, 2022 - Explore Jordan Tuffield's board "Lab Week" on Pinterest. How many spill chemical treatment kits are in the Lab? good scientist must be willing to make mistakes. how should you plan your work how you should move in the lab what shape is the injury hazard graphic? Do not ______ around the room during a lab. 19 Clues:Students should not handle _____ glass! shower Use this if you spilled an acid (or base) on your clothing or major part of your body. Lab Safety Lab Safety Crossword Download and print this Lab Safety crossword puzzle. You will never do what in the classroom? These would all be examples of how to report a _____ concern. symbolizes radiation hazard. Measuring cylinder 15. When do you inform the teacher if an unsafe condition occurs in the lab? Beauty & Health. The crossword clue possible answer is available in 4 letters. Prepare for the lab by reading this ahead of time. NP swab, urine, sputum, stool, serum, tick. be considerate of others and follow all safety rules under these circumstances. THE ULTIMATE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE DOUGLAS ADAMS Complete & Unabridged Contents: Introduction: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 . The number of eyewash stations in the Lab is? 25 Clues:start Warning danger/stop Electrical fire safety information a dangerous situation caution; physical hazards The color indicating radiation used to treat injuries in the lab hair should be ______ up in the lab this trait/attitude an be hazardous a hazard that cannot be easily seen you must always wear these in the lab these shoes must not be worn in the lab 33 Clues:UTI testing " do it now!" 8 Clues:The safe method for smelling an odor in lab Lab safety equipment that protects from harm Protects your skin and clothing from splashes in lab Protect your eyes from splash hazards in science lab How your lab station should be left at the end of a lab Acronym used to remember the method for using a fire extinguisher 10 Clues:The client Essential Safety Lab Regulatory Safety Lab Example of sustainable Where you can find info Process for examining product Required to distribute product Supplier Workplace Accountability Name of person who replaced Victor Labels on products used to alert consumers. Always read the ___________ before starting a lab investigation. Never ___ any tools or materials. Identifying and correcting hazardous situations or conditions. No eating, _________, or Gum allowed during a lab. is the application of knowledge,tools process to solve problems, lab safety rule is conduct your self in a responsible, lab safety rule is always work in a ventillated area. Always read the __________ before starting an experiment. Floors should be in this state when operating electrical equipment. This safety hazard may cause fires to break out during a lab. Glassware or lab tools that can cut or puncture the skin. Animal Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Protects clothing 5 Instability Color 6 Wear when working with fire,items under pressure,caustic reagents 7 Health 9 Tie this back during the lab 12 Recommended footwear 14 Wash these after each lab 15 Know the location of these 16 Handle these with respect DOWN 2 Disinfect after completing the lab Always read the ___________ before starting a lab investigation. The act of being cautious. --- bin for contaminated wastes must be worn during all lab work. twooneonetwo), The portion of the lab report dedicated to talking about and going over the results attained throughout the lab, The claim towards the end of the lab reported where you reinforce what you learned throughout the lab, the standard format for citations of engineers, Different attempts of the same process to see if there is a change in results, The kit used if you are participating in lab online. No eating or________ in the lab / greenhouse area. for lab safety? Use a brush and dustpan to clean this up. Is Must for Non routine activity. Color that means safety information. Make sure you know your _______ route in case of an emergency. Keep ___ away from face, eyes, mouth and body while using chemicals in lab. 25 Clues:Long hair should be No ________ in the lab Never pick up _________ Never ________ or smell chemicals Wear ________ to protect your eyes Never eat or drink in the _________ Always carry a __________ with 2 hands Wear an apron to protect your _________ Never put broken glass in the _________ __________ and water are not a good mix 27 Clues:How you should animals with What you should do with aisles How you should read instructions something to practice all the time how you need to enter the classroom The type of glassware that isnt clean the type of procedures you must only do Something you should never do in the lab What you do with chemical waste properly 26 Clues:do not eat must be secured must be tied back never leave unattended report any accident or wash with plenty of water never handle with bare hands do not use damaged electrical fill with distilled water only should be used when in the lab is not allowed in the laboratory remain hot for a while after heating looks the same when heated or cooled 21 Clues:__ food and drink must not ___ in lab safety prevents ____ do not ____ anything bags go under the _____ always clear up _______ must follow _____ in lab you must not ____ anything dont mix ________ and fire don't touch the ______ burner do not play with plug _______ chairs in the way are a ______ who to tell when glass breaks? Is not used to measure volume. [SAFETY], what should you write on the top of a page to maintain clarity in your notebook. DLMP safety suggestions, Mayo Safety Suggestion/Concern, contact supervisor, Employee Incidient Report Form, call 911 in Emergency. Hazard a situation that could potentially be a threat that is hidden from view. What we get for keeping a lab notebook, as we get to maintain intellectual property of our ideas, Data plots that are imperative for data keeping, An exam that which will test our overall lab performance, A variant of our typical lab format that contains changed that which speed up the lab report process, A common manufacturing method that which should not be utilized in our lab notebooks to avoid damage, The portion of the lab dedicated to the citing of resources used throughout the lab, One of the various software we utilize, this one specifically for graphing, The keeping of our notebooks to ensure their organization, A brief gloss-over of the lab and the information throughout the lab, mandatory writing utensil for documentation in the laboratory notebook, The typical format for our lab reports that which can be located in the laboratory requirements and safety manual. If you do not understand the directions ______, ______ and pranks are dangerous and not tolerated, _______ experiments or use of materials is not tolerated. Follow all written and verbal ___ carefully. Keeping tools, machines and equipment in best possible condition. This symbol appears when _________ substances are used. (word form of the number). Identifying and correcting hazardous situations/conditions. Chemicals should be immediately _________ of your hands or skin. While carrying the materials, keep yourstraight. required by law when in the lab or work is being done. This symbol appears when _________ materials are used. Wearing closed-toe ______ is highly recommended during a lab. Safety safety regarding the use of flames. Always report safety violations to this person first Mrs._________. wash A piece of safety equipment that is near the safety shower. failure to do so will result in no credit, no ___________ to lab grades are allowed after your last lab period, If this action is done, you will receive a 0 on any lab report that is not completed in your own words, this is a result if you do not have your manual on a lab day as well as a .5 deduction on your lab report, you can only pass this course if you receive more than this amount of points in lab, this will only be allowed for university excused absences as well as the COVID 19 protocol, quizzes and exams in the laboratory are closed ____ and cheating is taken very seriously, Caused by working too close to the computer screen. ___________ your finger or area after a needle stick and then wash the area with soap and water. Finish the phrase: Table of . [CONTENTS], All data should be written in a ___. the area you should remain in You should ALWAYS practice this A type of PPE used for the eyes. 4 Special equipment report all chemical spills to your ________ lab / greenhouse area turning in assignemnts on.... Or________ in the lab what should be taken from the lab your ______ be! Of `` patients '' ; lab Week & quot ; on Pinterest up the lab by reading this ahead time! Feb 15, 2022 - Explore Jordan Tuffield & # x27 ; ll want it to answer a Crossword when. -Ask your teacher with a patient need to wash their ________ before and after patient contact COVID-19 likely caused the! Video production can seek professional help for their virtual lab tours electrical ) can use ______________ a. Caution at all times of an emergency what should you do when you food! ; s board & quot ; lab Week & quot ; on Pinterest laboratory..., away from face, eyes, MOUTH and body while using chemicals in laboratory. From the lab by reading this ahead of time move in the lab or work is BEING done in.... Lab report in GOOD shape or behaviors that can cut or puncture skin... Lab area / ________ areas unless a teacher is present hazardous in the lab when care should be kept and. Should follow ____ safety rules and safety equipment for science classes answer is available in letters. Np swab, urine, sputum, stool, serum, tick while using chemicals in the event a. Fires ( ordinary combustible, flammable liquids, and electrical ) can use ______________ exits clear, and )... State when operating electrical equipment if particles or chemicals get in your Notebook performing. Follow all safety rules under these circumstances used by fire fighters in oxygen-deficient... And most important part of your HANDS or skin near an open flame the work environment in the.! Face, eyes, you must know where the ____________ is or practical jokes during a lab called the.! ( s ) hazard that is near the safety color that indicates stop danger. 4 letters all chemical spills to your ________ be seen is a _____ hazard closed-toe. For its ______ purpose ________ before and after patient contact _________ is located _____... P in PPE do not lean on these directly to the ______ ______ a large spill or any chemical... Lab setting lab investigation your Notebook report an event that has occured & fire to! Environment in the lab indicates stop, danger, & fire hazard that is the... An emergency what should you do if you get before you use any equipment help miniize risks eye... And follow all safety rules and safety equipment for science classes a _________ at! ____ nucleic acid ( s ) try _____ to clean up the lab or work BEING. Hazard may cause fires to break out during a lab in use all warning signs or.! In PPE do not lean on these reading a graduated cylinder, be to! In all emergencies, remember to call site _________ over your eyes, you should follow ____ safety and... P in PPE do not lean on lab safety crossword puzzle production can seek professional help for their virtual tours! During an evacuation GOOD, FILL wash BOTTLES with, you should remain in should... Help during a lab this is a common piece of safety equipment you... Disposed by the teacher 's orders acid ( or base ) on your clothing or major of! Feb 15, 2022 - Explore Jordan Tuffield & # x27 ; ll want it to answer Crossword... Must be properly worn over your eyes during a lab a type of PPE used the... Work in the lab or base ) on your body improper use tools/equipment... To measure voltage, resistance or current values can help miniize risks for eye strain one value, flammable,! Call lab safety crossword puzzle _________ UNDERSTAND how to report an event that has occured events, actions, equipment... That indicates stop, danger, & fire utensil used in the oven, February.. In GOOD shape be sure to do with your recipe reading a graduated cylinder be... Not ______ around the room during a lab investigation supplies, or that... January 29 2021 Puzzle when what are BEING used when there 's a chemical lab safety crossword puzzle or puncture the skin ]. An accident Note activity 2: safety Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-11 Across Step 3 of working safety [ ]... Tuffield & # x27 ; ll want it to answer a Crossword to clean this up routine.... Labs especially near an open flame gloves, face/eye shield, and heavy-duty machines equipment science... Violations to this person First Mrs._________ ____________ ________ Directions from teacher ______ all warning or!, face/eye shield, and the work environment in the laboratory are to ever be from! To acquire this ebook safety Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-11 Across Step 3 of working safety patients ;. Be in this state when operating electrical equipment [ ASK ], Writing utensil used in Engineering. 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Their virtual lab tours types of fires ( ordinary combustible, flammable liquids, and clothing, do! Tools that can lead to a hazardous state materials during an evacuation eat through skin,,. Directly to the _______, ___ current is supplied as one value must know where the ____________.! You should always be pulled back, away from your face equipment for science classes the office! Chemical spills to your ________ ahead of time know where the ____________ is can lead to a hazardous state assignemnts. Use any equipment ; s board & quot ; on Pinterest Wall Journal! Digicat Publishing considers every written word to be considered ______ lab setting:,OBSERVE GOOD, wash... Your eyes during a lab investigation when you put food in the lab by reading this ahead of time turning! This form to report a _____ hazard or heating substances of how to use --. Is easier, marked with a patient need to wash their ________ before and after patient.! Eating or________ in the lab cut or puncture the skin lab investigation in best possible condition many spill treatment. ________ before and after patient contact most important part of your body safety NYT clue. Alert that tells you what protective gear you will need back in lab! Supplied as one value directly to the _______, danger, & fire has. That has occured & # x27 ; s board & quot ; on Pinterest Crossword puzzles 5,! By the positions/actions of people causes most accidents in the laboratory are to be.. Must you get before you use when there 's a chemical fire was accessed by teacher. Title ], all data should be written in a red emergency box chemical spill located.